تعلن وزارة العدل للشركات والمؤسسات المتخصصة في هذا المجال عن حاجتها لأعمال طباعة وتوريد نماذج وثائق ذات مواصفات أمينه خاصة لإدارة التوثيق بوزارة العدل ، وذلك طبقاً للشروط والمواصفات الموضحة بوثائق الممارسة والتي يمكن الحصول عليها من قسم العطاءات – الكائن بمبنى مجمع الوزارات بلوك (14) الدور الثالث - إدارة الشئون المالية ، وذلك في مواعيد العمل الرسمية اعتباراً من يوم الأحد الموافق 20/8/2017 مقابل دفع رسم اشتراك قدره (-/75 د.ك) فقط / خمسه وسبعون ديناراً لا غير (غير قابل للرد) وتقدم العروض إلى قسم العطاءات بالوزارة مصحوباً بالتأمين الأولي وقدره (2%) من إجمالي قيمة العطاء ، على أن يكون هذا التأمين سارياً طوال مدة سريان العطاء (90) يوماً وآخر موعد لتقديم العطاءات هو الساعة الواحدة من بعد ظهر يوم الاثنين الموافق 11/9/2017.
Our performance will be governed by truth and honesty through all our actions. We will be responsible and accountable for our performance regarding all aspects of work in the ministry of justice guided by our noble Islamic values.
We will provide services to customers and employees with justice and equality asserting our responsibility towards everyone.
We will work together and strive to realize the vision, mission and objectives of the ministry as teamwork is the best practice to share knowledge and develop our ideas.
Dealing with everyone according to legal and ethical responsibility, taking into account transparency in dealing with stakeholders based on clear criteria and principles.
We will strive to work based on the criteria for excellence, and we will always compare ourselves to the best international practices through the application of excellence awards at all levels to evaluate our work.
We believe that each of us represents the ministry of justice among everyone and we will recognize good work because we are owners.
Increase the efficiency of judicial work and expedite the adjudication to achieve accelerated justice
Expedite consultancy work and judicial arbitration in accordance with the best practices.
Execution of sentences in a framework that protects freedoms and ensures the application of law.
Developing human resources capabilities and building outstanding administrative and judicial leadership.
Effective implementation of advanced financial, technological and engineering resources.
Enhancing customer confidence by establishing real estate ownership and providing outstanding services, partnership, local and international communication.
Foster innovation to develop processes and enhance motivation and accomplishment.