1.Editing appeal papers handed down by the court of first instance (labor-rent-civil) issued by Farwaniya court 2.Interpretation of the provisions marked by confusion or ambiguity 3.Motion for reconsideration 4.Provision inquiry
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Court of appeal clerks dept.
Farwaniya Court (Al Raq'y)

​1. Labor and civil appeals during 30 days and rent appeals during 15 days, and that is if the appellant is aware of the case and provision

2. Personal presence of the adversaries or a representative with a power of attorney 

Required documents

​1. The appellants' ID and Civil ID number

2. Copy of the first instance provision

3. Presence of the appellants' agent with a power of attorney​

Used Forms

​1. Form of the appeals sheet with the names and addresses of the adversaries. The appellants' civil number, phone number, grounds of appeal and legal defenses

2. A query note listing the subject the appellant wishes to inquire about

Time required for the transaction
1 hour at the most
Location for transaction accomplishment

​Farwaniya courts complex, 4th floor​

Inquiry Numbers
Concerned party

​Court of appeal clerks 

Other parties

​1. Announcements department and its job is to deliver the file to the respondent so he could attend the session and show his legal arguments

2. The register to schedule the hearing date

3. Judicial fees department for the appellant to pay the resumption bail

4. Lawyers signature
