1- Uploading case files with a scanner 2- Uploading papers and provisions to deliver to revisers through the conservation department
Number Of Views : 15000
Court of appeal clerks dept.
Justice Palace ، Farwaniya Court (Al Raq'y) ، Ahmadi Court ، Hawally Court ، jahra new courts complex


Required documents

​Original documents are to be sent during the case deliberation or the files after deposition to the documentation department  

Used Forms


Time required for the transaction
1 minute for every document containing 10 papers
Location for transaction accomplishment

- ​Justice Palace, Sixth Floor, Court of appeal, the register, Room 707​

- Regai Courts Complex, 15th Floor, Room 1533

- Ahmadi Courts Complex, Second Floor, Room 2011

- Hawali Courts Complex, Ground Floor, Room 2

- Jahra Courts Complex, 15th Floor, Room 9

Inquiry Numbers

​- 22998408

- 22423904

Concerned party

​Court of appeal clerks

Other parties

​1. Appellate follow up department

2. Appellate conservation department

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