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Court of appeal clerks dept.
Justice Palace ، Farwaniya Court (Al Raq'y) ، Ahmadi Court ، Hawally Court ، jahra new courts complex
Required documents
1. Receipt of attaining a resumption bail: copy of first-instance judgement
2. Late rent payment receipt (rental) until filing the case
3. Appeal paper and copies of it per respondent, 2 copies each and a copy of the file. If the applicant was submitting the appeal, then a copy of the civil id has to be attached.
Variable fees:
1- Resumption bail for all cases is 50 KWD and motion for reconsideration bail is 20 KWD
2- Rental cases resumption bail is 20 KWD
3- Interpretation of judgement cases and lawyer fees estimation stamp is 5 KWD
Duty free:
1- Labor cases
2- Exemption of the government from judicial fees
Used Forms
Time required for the transaction
10 minutes
Location for transaction accomplishment
- Justice Palace, Sixth Floor, Court of appeal, the register, Room 708
- Regai Courts Complex, Fourth Floor
- Ahmadi Courts Complex, Ground Floor, The register, Room 42
- Hawali Courts Complex, Ground Floor, The register, Room 16
- Jahra Courts Complex, 15th Floor, Room: 7
Inquiry Numbers
Concerned party
Other parties
The file to be signed by a lawyer