Vice President for Technical Affairs
Terms of reference
-Coordination with the Administrative Development, Training and Planning Department and Kuwait Institute for Judicial and Legal Studies on the programs and training courses for experts and staff of the General Directorate of Experts.
-Supervising the specialized engineering laboratories of the General Directorate of Experts to support the experts technically and to assist them in the cases referred to them in cooperation with the competent departments of the Ministry.
-Provide the Cases and Experts Controls with modern measuring devices, which may be needed by experts ion their inspections.
-Providing experts with various technical information such as prices of materials, equipment, devices and currency rates, on different dates, taken by the experts as a guide only.
-Provide experts with new information on modern equipment, materials and techniques.
-Prepare monthly and annual statistics on Department’s activity.
-Other relevant work assigned to it.
The Department consists of the following organizational units:
1. Coordination and Follow-up Control, specialized with the following:
-Coordination with the Administrative Development, Training and Planning Department and the Kuwait Institute for Judicial and Legal Studies on the programs and training courses for experts and staff of the General Department of Experts.
-Develop training plans and follow up their implementation in coordination with the Administrative Development, Training and Planning Department and the Kuwait Institute for Judicial and Legal Studies.
-Identify the names, numbers and grades of candidates to participate in the training programs.
-Preparation of studies, research and opinion and in matters referred to the Department.
-Other relevant work assigned to it.
The Control consists of the following sections:
A .Technical Follow-up Section, specialized in the following:
-Coordination with the Administrative Development, Training and Planning Department and the Kuwait Institute for Judicial and Legal Studies on the programs and training courses for experts and staff of the General Department of Experts.
-Develop training plans and follow up their implementation in coordination with the Administrative Development, Training and Planning Department and the Kuwait Institute for Judicial and Legal Studies.
-Nomination of experts for programs and training courses in coordination with the Administrative Development, Training and Planning Department and Kuwait Institute for Judicial and Legal Studies.
-Identify the names, numbers and grades of candidates to participate in the training programs.
- Other relevant work assigned to it.
B. Studies and Research Section, specialized in the following:
-Preparation of studies, research and opinion and in matters referred to the Section.
-Other relevant work assigned to it.
2. Technical Support Section, specialized in the following:
-Supervising the specialized engineering laboratories of the General Department of Experts to support the experts technically and to assist them in the casesreferred to them in cooperation with the competent departments of the Ministry.
-Provide the Cases and Experts Controls with modern measuring devices, which may be needed by experts in their inspection works.
-Providing experts with various technical information such as prices of materials, equipment and devices, on different dates, which the expert take only as a guide.
-Provide experts with new information on modern equipment, materials and techniques.
-Other relevant work assigned to it.
The Control consists of the following sections:
A.The Laboratory and Measuring Devices Section, responsible for the following:
-Supervising the specialized engineering laboratories of the General Department of Experts to support the experts technically and to assist them in the cases referred to them in cooperation with the competent departments of the Ministry.
-Provide the Cases and Experts Controls with modern measuring devices, which may be needed by experts in their inspection works.
-Other relevant work assigned to it.
B. Technical Information Section:
-Providing experts with various technical information such as prices of materials, equipment and devices, on different dates, which the expert take only as a guide.
-Provide experts with new information on modern equipment, materials and techniques.
-Other relevant work assigned to it.