Department's Terms of Reference:
1. General supervision of the Department staff.
2. Implementing the general policy of the Department and monitoring the application of the rules and regulations governing the progress of work within the framework of controlling the Department and its divisions.
3. Supervising archiving of all settled cases' files, papers, data or information in the places assigned for that purpose; those which the concerned sectors and departments require to archive in accordance with the relevant regulations.
4. Supervising data entry for each incoming/outgoing movement to the computer archive, in accordance with the rules and automated systems set in this regard.
5. Supervising the preparation of statistics on archiving and destruction procedures.
6.Supervising the receipt, distribution and sale of the Ministry's publications in coordination with the Department of Financial Affairs.
7. Coordinating with the concerned authorities in the Ministry to provide the Department's needs of human cadres, furniture, devices and equipment.
8. Issuing circulars concerning the organization of the administrative work.
9. Coordinating with the Department of Administrative Development, Training and Planning to establish training courses and programs for the Department's staff.
10. Coordinating with the Information Technology and Statistics Sector on the introduction of computers in the Department's control and divisions.
11. Supervising the organization of the transfer procedures of the papers and files from/to the Department, through vehicles and their drivers, in coordination with the competent authorities.
12. Implementation of the decrees and circulars issued by the Ministry.
13. Any other relevant entrusted works.
The organizational structure of the Central Archives Department consists of the following:
Monitor the archives of the justice-concerned authorities, competent as follows:
1. Archiving all cases settled before the courts, entering them to the computer system, in addition to keeping all the finalized papers and documents in the different sectors pursuant to the technical organization of archives and in light of the stages in place (classification - excellence - training - indexing).
2. Prepare all statistical data related to the archiving and destruction procedures in the automated system at the end of each year, providing them to the concerned sectors and departments, according to the rules of destruction determined for them.
3. Preparing periodic reports on the rate of work-completion of the control-related departments, indicating the deficiencies and shortcomings in the performance of each department according to its terms of reference.
The Department consists of the following two Sections:
Archives of Justice-concerned Authorities Section, entrusted with:
1. Keeping settled cases' files, papers, statements and information, as required by the concerned sectors and departments, in accordance with archiving regulations.
2. Keeping the files in the places allocated to them according to the technical organization of the archives and in view of the established stages (classification - coding – arranging - indexing) or according to the date of receiving them or their annual dates, pursuant to the circular of the Ministry of Finance number (07/2001) on Archiving Regulations.
3. Receiving the applications for gathering the settled cases and papers, sending them to the requesting authorities and registering them in the relevant register after affixing the delivery/receipt procedures.
4. Coordinating with the concerned sectors and departments to destroy the files and papers as required by them, in accordance with the rules established in this regard, provided establishing the destruction procedures in the automated system located in the Central Archives Department.
5. Keeping key files and papers that have not been destroyed upon the completion of the destruction procedures, recording and archiving them in accordance with the automated rules established in this regard.
6. Receiving and archiving of the Ministry's publications from suppliers.
7. Distribution and sale of publications according to requests received, in coordination with the Department of Financial Affairs
Justice-Concerned Authorities Archives Automated Data Section, entrusted with:
1. Entering the data of all outgoing and incoming movements to the computer store, in accordance with the automated rules and systems set in this regard.
2. Responding to the queries of the concerned authorities regarding any information related to the general archives of the Ministry,
3. Preparing all statistical data relating to archiving and destruction procedure within the automated system at the end of each year, providing the concerned sectors and departments with them, in order to consider what may be destroyed in accordance with the rules of destruction determined by them.
Ministry's Bureau Archives Control, consisting of the following two sections:
o Section of the Ministry's Bureau Archives
o Section of the Ministry's Bureau Archives Automated Data
The Control and both sub-sections have the same terms of reference and functions regarding monitoring the archives of justice-concerned authorities and both sub-sections within the nature, quality and quantity of their respective files.