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Family court clerks dept. in court of appeal
Farwaniya Court (Al Raq'y) ، Ahmadi Court ، Hawally Court

​Presence of the person of interest or his legal agent

Required documents

​1- if the person of interest attends, his civil id is needed

2- If the agent attends, agencies and a copy of his lawyers association id is needed

Used Forms

​Application from the department for the person of interest to note down case statements, case number and the provisions names 

(attached with a copy)

Time required for the transaction
5 minutes
Location for transaction accomplishment

​Archiving department

Inquiry Numbers

​- Al Asma control t-22464539

- Hawali control t- 22626514 ext- 105

- Ahmadi control t- 23713001 ext- 640

- Mubarak Al Kabeer control t- 25513806 ext- 181

- Farwaniya control t- 94977545

- Jahra control t- 66775632

Concerned party

​Family court clerks in the court of appeal

Other parties

​- Scanning department because it enters all the files contents by the scanning system

- Archiving department which takes the provisions and appendices judicial procedures 
